BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear guide

The BVRLA (British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association) Fair Wear and Tear Guide is particularly valuable for drivers who lease vehicles as it sets the industry standard for acceptable levels of fair wear and tear. It is a great resource as it provides clear, specific definitions and examples of acceptable and unacceptable damage to a vehicle’s bodywork, interior, wheels, and tyres.

This can help drivers avoid any additional charges for vehicle damage at the end of the contract and to ensure the vehicle is returned in an acceptable condition.

If there is damage to your vehicle that is unacceptable in accordance with the BVRLA Fair Wear and Tear guide, please ensure this is repaired by a JCT600-approved body shop/repairer or contact your account manager so they can advise however appropriate.

The Guide

*Important* This content has been provided by the BVRLA, it is not for reproduction and it should not be shared with persons who have not directly been sent the link by JCT600 VLS.